09 May 2024 13:18 WIB

Why You Shouldn’t Cut Your Spring

Lowering a car is often done by automotive enthusiasts. The purpose? Often for aesthetics, fitment, or for better handling due to a lower center of gravity.

There are various ways to lower a car, such as air suspension, coilovers, sport kits/lowering kits, or the cheapest option, which is cutting the springs.

Cutting the springs is considered cheap because there's no need to buy new components, just removing the standard springs and cutting them shorter.

However, this often brings more negative impacts than positive ones. Some of them include:

1. Stiffness

When the springs are cut, there will be a change in the spring rate. The spring rate of a car is related to the height of the spring, for example, a rating of 40 kg/cm. It means that 40 kg of weight is needed to lower the spring by 1 cm. When cut, this spring rate will no longer be the same. As a result, the car becomes uncomfortable and potentially dangerous.

2. Swaying

When the springs are cut, there is a possibility that the car's handling will decrease, and the car often sways when the springs are cut. Especially because cut springs are not well-researched and differ greatly from lowering kits, which often go through extensive research.

3. Shock Absorbers

When the springs are cut, the travel distance of the shock absorbers will be reduced. As a result, the shock absorbers often bottom out. This can reduce the lifespan of the shock absorbers and can cause damage such as leaking.

4. Difficulty Reverting to Stock

When the original springs are cut, the car cannot be returned to stock, unlike buying a lowering kit or replacement springs. The only way to return the suspension to stock is to buy original springs that have not been cut and are in good condition.

That's why cutting springs is not recommended by many people because of its more negative impacts. If you need high-performance tyres, Forceum has the answer, namely Forceum Hena, which is sporty and suitable for daily use.



Membuat mobil menjadi lebih ceper sering dilakukan para penggiat otomotif. Tujuannya? Seringkali untuk estetika, fitment, maupun untuk pengendalian yang lebih baik karena titik pusat gravitasi yang lebih rendah.

Untuk menceperkan mobil pun ada berbagai cara, misalnya suspensi udara (air suspension), coilover, sport kit/lowering kit, sampai yang paling murah, yakni potong per.

Potong per sendiri dinilai murah karena tidak perlu membeli komponen baru, hanya perlu melepas per standar mobil dan dipotong agar lebih pendek.

Namun hal ini seringkali membawa lebih banyak dampak negatif daripada dampak positif. Beberapa diantaranya:

1. Keras

Ketika per dipotong, akan terjadi perubahan pada spring rate. Spring rate pada mobil berkaitan dengan tinggi dari per, misalnya rating 40 kg/cm. Artinya, perlu beban 40 kg untuk menurunkan per sebanyak 1 cm. Ketika dipotong, spring rate ini akan tidak sama lagi. Alhasil, mobil menjadi tidak nyaman dan bisa jadi berbahaya.

2. Limbung

Ketika per dipotong, ada kemungkinan pengendalian mobil akan berkurang, bahkan mobil seringkali limbung ketika pernya sudah dipotong. Apalagi karena per potong tidak diriset dengan baik dan berbeda jauh dengan lowering kit yang seringkali sudah melewati tahap riset mendalam.

3. Shockbreaker

Ketika per sudah dipotong, maka jarak travel (pergerakan) dari shockbreaker akan berkurang. Akibatnya shockbreaker pun akan sering mentok. Hal ini dapat mengurangi usia shockbreaker dan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan seperti shockbreaker bocor.

4. Sulit Balik Standar

Ketika per bawaan sudah dipotong, maka mobil tidak bisa dikembalikan standar lagi, berbeda dengan membeli lowering kit atau per pengganti. Satu-satunya cara membuat suspensi menjadi standar adalah membeli per asli yang tidak dipotong dan dalam kondisi baik.

Karena itulah potong per tidak disarankan oleh banyak orang karena lebih banyak dampak negatifnya. Jika memerlukan ban performa tinggi, Forceum punya jawabannya, yakni Forceum Hena yang sporti dan cocok untuk harian
