Hybrid Cars Don't Need Regular Oil Changes, Myth or Fact?
There is an assumption among the public, that hybrid cars do not need regular engine oil changes considering there is already an electric motor.
This assumption arises because it is thought that the gasoline engine rarely operates as long as the hybrid battery power is still safe.
It should be noted that the drive still needs maintenance, including changing engine oil and other important fluids.
In response to this issue, Auto2000 also responded.
“Although electrified vehicles, hybrid cars still require regular maintenance, in addition to lubricants or oils that lubricate conventional components, there are also parts related to hybrid drives such as ECUs, batteries, and electric motors. No less important is the gasoline engine that is still relied on,” explained Yagimin, Auto2000 Chief Marketing through a written statement.
According to him, as the hybrid engine works, the chemical compound structure of the engine oil will definitely change and its ability to carry out its duties will decrease, because it cannot work optimally in protecting engine components, friction will increase and leave a lot of dirt, aka residue.
Dirt will hinder engine performance and the components inside are damaged. Excessive residue also affects the engine oil pump and filter and even clogs. Other oil functions such as helping to release engine heat are reduced and make the radiator work harder.
“It is best not to leave the engine oil unchanged even if the car is rarely used. Over time, the chemical compounds in engine oil will change due to the oxidation process. The water content due to oxidation in engine oil will increase to a dangerous level if left unchanged,” Yagimin continued.
He continued, once the engine is started, water contamination will damage the oil formula and its ability to decrease. As a result, the car engine has problems due to the lubricant failing to protect the engine components. The engine room also has the potential to develop rust that will spread to various hybrid engine components.
“Check the viscosity index or viscosity of the liquid in the engine oil. Usually there is an oil specification code on the car engine that says 0W-20, 0W-40, 10W-40, 20W-50 and so on. Adjust it to the needs of the hybrid engine so that the oil provides optimal protection in even the most extreme conditions,” he concluded.
Ada anggapan di kalangan masyarakat, bahwa mobil hybrid tidak membutuhkan pergantian oli mesin secara berkala mengingat sudah ada motor listrik.
Anggapan ini muncul karena diduga mesin bensin jarang beroperasi sepanjang daya baterai hybrid masih aman.
Perlu dicatat, penggerak tersebut tetap butuh perawatan, termasuk ganti oli mesin dan cairan penting lainnya.
Menanggapi isu tersebut, Auto2000 pun memberikan tanggapan.
"Walaupun kendaraan elektrifikasi, mobil hybrid tetap membutuhkan perawatan berkala, selain pelumas atau oli yang melumasi komponen konvensional, ada pula parts yang berkaitan dengan penggerak hybrid seperti ECU, baterai, dan motor listrik. Tidak kalah penting adalah mesin bensin yang tetap diandalkan,” terang Yagimin, Chief Marketing Auto2000 melalui keterangan tertulis.
Menurutnya, seiring bekerjanya mesin hybrid, struktur senyawa kimia oli mesin pasti akan berubah dan kemampuannya dalam menjalankan tugas menurun, karena tidak bisa bekerja secara optimal dalam melindungi komponen mesin, gesekan akan meningkat dan meninggalkan banyak kotoran alias residu.
Kotoran akan menghambat kinerja mesin dan komponen di dalamnya rusak. Residu berlebihan turut mempengaruhi pompa dan filter oli mesin bahkan mampat. Fungsi oli lainnya seperti membantu melepaskan panas mesin ikut berkurang dan membuat kerja radiator semakin berat.
"Sebaiknya tidak membiarkan oli mesin tidak diganti meskipun mobil jarang dipakai. Seiring waktu, senyawa kimia di dalam oli mesin akan mengalami perubahan akibat proses oksidasi. Kandungan air akibat oksidasi pada oli mesin akan meningkat hingga mencapai level yang berbahaya jika didiamkan," lanjut Yagimin.
Ia melanjutkan, begitu mesin dinyalakan, kontaminasi air akan merusak formula oli dan kemampuannya turun. Alhasil, mesin mobil bermasalah akibat pelumas gagal melindungi komponen mesin. Ruang mesin juga punya potensi timbul karat yang akan merambat ke berbagai komponen mesin hybrid.
"Cek indeks kekentalan atau viskositas cairan yang ada pada oli mesin. Biasanya terdapat kode spesifikasi oli pada mesin mobil yang tertulis 0W-20, 0W-40, 10W-40, 20W-50 dan lain sebagainya. Sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mesin hybrid supaya oli memberi perlindungan optimal dalam kondisi sangat ekstrem sekalipun," tutupnya.